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The Physical Future of Open Source

Alicia Gibb

Alicia Gibb photograph

If we dream of an open source world, that world includes physical products. We need to be thinking more holistically.

Alicia Gibb, Founder and Executive Director, Open Source Hardware Association

About this talk

The Physical Future of Open Source

Open source started with software, but hardware has a role in its present and future. In this talk from Red Hat Summit 2017, Alicia Gibb, founder and executive director of the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA), traces the rise of open hardware and offers her outlook on what’s ahead. From tractors to tracksuits to IoT devices for healthcare, the future is bright.

Alicia Gibb headshot

Open Source Hardware Association

The Open Source Hardware Association encourages research that is accessible, collaborative, and respects user freedom. OSHWA's primary activities include hosting the annual Open Hardware Summit and maintaining the Open Source Hardware Certification.

Explore OSHWA



Red Hat Summit 2017

Date aired





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