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Great news for our storage team! GlusterFS, has been named a finalist in SearchStorage.com's 2011 Product of the Year awards. GlusterFS is the core of Red Hat Storage and a cost-effective alternative to traditional storage -- whether you want to build an internal service for sharing files or serving data to external organizations and users.
GlusterFS 3.2 was honored in the Storage System Software category and was selected as a finalist based on its innovation, performance, functionality, value, manageability and ease of integration. Winners were selected by the editors of TechTarget’s Storage Group. The award recognizes companies that stand apart from the pack and provide exceptional benefits for IT shops of all sizes.
"GlusterFS 3.2 is an open source, distributed file system designed to handle multi-petabyte deployments. It makes use of a hashing algorithm and manages data in a single global namespace. The most significant new feature is synchronous and asynchronous replication within a cloud and across clouds," said the SearchStorage.com Product of the Year judges.
We are honored that GlusterFS is being recognized for its innovation, performance and value as a finalist in SearchStorage.com's 2011 Product of the Year awards. GlusterFS 3.2 features many new capabilities that are extremely important to our customers including geo-replication and new monitoring and management tools.
For more information on the competition and to see the full list of finalists, visit
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