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My first year at Red Hat was mostly focused on getting accustomed to the fast-paced, in-house agency, corporate world. In my first week, I attended a Marketing team off-site meeting that included every team on the 9th floortalk about intimidating. The ice breaker on the first day was to share your name, your team, and how long you've been at Red Hat. I still remember introducing myself and the mix of applause and laughter I got when saying it was my third day.

It didn't take long to fall in love with my larger team and the unique Red Hat culture.

Teaming + Growing

My second year was all about bonding with team members and assisting on larger projects. I began to feel more comfortable using the skills I had and learning new ones, which helped build my confidence as a designer.  

Then, I got the opportunity to work on the look and feel for Red Hat's North America Partner Conference, fly all the way to San Diego for Adobe Max, and plan for the next year at our annual team off-site meeting.

Expanding My Role

This year has been nothing short of incredible. The progress and growth in my position has gone above and beyond what I dreamed it could have when I came on board. In 3 short years, my role has expanded from strictly quick-turnaround tasks to working on huge projects like Red Hat Summit partner presentations, and re-working Red Hat's social media look and feel with the help of the first ever intern of the Creative Strategy + Design team.

Looking Ahead

Most importantly, these people believe in me, encourage my creativity, and push my skill set every step of the way. I have 7 cheerleaders on every project, and I never take it for granted. I'm, 100%, one of those weirdos who loves her job. Cheers to 3 years and fingers crossed for many more.



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