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Tomorrow, Red Hat will host the first Atomic Application Forum, which aims to form a vibrant ecosystem of leaders in the exciting realm of application containers. Beyond providing a forum for communicating plans and strategies around containerization with key partners, the Atomic Application Forum highlights a very important piece of the burgeoning world of containers: You can’t work in a vacuum


Red Hat has long believed in strong partner engagement – from Red Hat Enterprise Linux to our cloud offerings, including OpenShift. As part of this, we have built vast, experienced networks of technology partners, all leaders in their respective fields, with the goal of providing our customers with a solution that meets their exact needs. With this history behind us, why should containers be any different?


As you saw from our announcements last Spring around Red Hat Summit, we’ve been working to extend our application certification program to include containerized applications. Since then, we’ve been focused on our Partner Early Access Program (PEAP) with a select group of partners to gain early feedback on products like Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host and our certification tooling. The Atomic Application Forum will formalize our container ecosystem initiative - bringing together PEAP members along with a growing family of partners who have expressed desire to work with Red Hat and align to our container vision.


As a result of the Atomic Application Forum, we plan to expand our partner ecosystem to encompass the container world and to leverage the expertise of our partners to help address the critical barriers to enterprise container adoption, including:

  • Security
  • Provenance
  • Certification
  • Integration

Taking containers from the bleeding edge to the enterprise datacenter isn’t a one person job – it takes a dedicated, experienced and intelligent group of industry leaders to build an enterprise-ready solution. Red Hat and our partners are dedicated to building the tools and solutions that our customers need to take advantage of the containerization wave, and it all starts at the Atomic Application Forum.



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