Cyber crime has really come a long way in the past few decades. It has evolved from “hackers”(the bad kind) merely taking advantage of software exploits and social engineering for personal gain to such James Bondsian exploits as:
- Cross-site scripting, SQL injections, and cross-site request forgery are a top threat on the web
- Redirecting traffic from legitimate web pages to identical copies meant to deliver software rendering attackers complete control of computers remotely
- Zero-day exploits for web services (such as email) going on sale to the highest bidder
These are just three examples of how cybercrime has turned into an estimated $100 billion business worldwide. From denial of service attacks via gargantuan botnets to malicious insiders, the average cost of an attack is $1,000,000.
What we’re doing about it
We're very pleased to share insight about a new solution from Red Hat, Splunk, and Cisco to fight cybercrime. Here’s how the equation comes together:
The Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS)
Red Hat Storage Server
Cisco’s servers provide the muscle AND powerful system management capabilities. Splunk is a superpower whose analytics capabilities analyze data from all the countless logs generated by your servers to find intrusions. And it is all backed up by Red Hat Storage Server (RHSS), which makes the storage more affordable and enables Splunk to work with even more data. Thanks to the powerful data storage capabilities of RHSS, Splunk can ingest even more data which helps it to learn the difference between a false positive and an actual attack in the long term — cost effectively.
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