The Friday Five is a weekly Red Hat® blog post with 5 of the week's top news items and ideas from or about
Red Hat and the technology industry. Consider it your weekly digest of things that caught our eye.
2017 Women in Open Source Award Nominations Open Through Nov. 23
Nominate a deserving woman for the 2017 Women in Open Source Awards by Wednesday, November 23. Red Hat created these awards to recognize the contributions that women are making to open source and inspire a new generation to join the movement. Two winners will be announced at the 2017 Red Hat Summit in May, one from an academic track and one from a community track. Spread the word and submit your nominations today.
Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 and Red Hat Developer Toolset 6 Now Generally Available
Red Hat announced the general availability of Red Hat Software Collections 2.3, Red Hat's newest set of open source web development tools, dynamic languages, and databases. Red Hat Software Collections are delivered on a more frequent release cadence than Red Hat Enterprise Linux and are designed to bridge developer agility and production stability. This helps to accelerate the creation of modern applications that can then be more confidently deployed into production. Also now available is Red Hat Developer Toolset 6, which helps to streamline application development on Red Hat Enterprise Linux by enabling developers to compile applications once and deploy across multiple versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux blog - Red Hat IT runs OpenShift Container Platform on Red Hat Virtualization and Ansible
Red Hat IT makes extensive use of our own product offerings to effectively manage and to scale our large IT infrastructure. Red Hat Virtualization plays a key role in Red Hat's overall IT infrastructure, as mentioned in a recent blog post "Red Hat Keeps the Lights on with Red Hat Virtualization". Red Hat runs our IT Managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) environment on top of Red Hat Virtualization using OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) in our product data centers. OCP on Red Hat Virtualization has enabled us to add new capabilities to our continuous integration/continuous deployment CI/CD toolbox. We have increased the cycle times and agility of our app teams. The application teams love the additional control and flexibility, not to mention the automation opportunities. The IT Platform Operations team take pride in the fact that we're running the above deployment on our existing, tried and tested Red Hat Virtualization infrastructure; so we know it's rock solid. We've only scratched the surface on what we can do with OSCP and with our Ansible Red Hat Virtualization automation, and we're looking forward to doing more with the platform.
SAHMRI supports critical medical research with Red Hat
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) relies on collaboration from researchers to solve some of the most difficult medical challenges in the world. To improve its IT infrastructure, SAHMRI deployed Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure and other Red Hat technologies. As a result, the institute improved IT efficiency, scalability, and flexibility while achieving a 50% reduction in licensing fees and a 469% return on investment.
HIT Consultant - Red Hat Survey: 3 Main Drivers of Mobile App Development in Healthcare
82 percent of healthcare organizations surveyed have a fully implemented mobile strategy, indicating a greater level of maturity compared to commercial enterprises, according to a recent Red Hat mobile app survey. The online survey of 200 IT decision makers from private, public, life sciences and pharmaceutical healthcare organization in the U.S., France, Germany, U.K. reveals nearly 8 in 10 (78 percent) healthcare organizations are achieving positive ROI from mobile app investments. Respondents stated that the three main drivers of mobile app development in healthcare are: Business/internal demand for more productivity, healthcare provider demand for better patient engagement and care, and external/member/patient demand for mobile apps. Nearly all organizations surveyed (98 percent) experience challenges when implementing mobile solutions, including security, cost, regulatory and compliance issues, and users/patient/customer adoption. Security is the most dominant business concern, with nearly all (98 percent) respondents reporting concerns over app security.
Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.
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