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Score one more for Red Hat Storage! In case you didn’t hear, GlusterFS is the proud recipient of a 2015 Bossie Award, InfoWorld’s top picks in open source datacenter and cloud software. Highly influential worldwide among technology and business decision makers alike, the IDC publication selected GlusterFS as one of its top picks for 2015.

An increasingly attractive option

GlusterFS is an open, software-defined storage system, able to distribute data across commodity hardware. It was acquired by Red Hat in 2011 and, with Ceph, serves as a critical component in the Red Hat Storage portfolio. Together, the two technologies are an attractive alternative to traditional NAS and SAN architectures, which tend to cost significantly more and lack the flexibility required by today’s petabyte-scale workloads--workloads like enterprise virtualization, cloud infrastructure, containers, and big data analytics.

All the benefits of open source

By decoupling from physical storage hardware, open, software-defined storage allows users to tap into a lower cost, standardized supply chain. Additional benefits include:

  • Increased operational efficiency of a scale-out architecture
  • Greater programmability and control from intelligence built into the software
  • Flexibility and quality focus of an open development process through the open source community

Try it for yourself

Red Hat continues to steadfastly support GlusterFS in the open source community, including the most recent GlusterFS 3.7 release, available here. Want to try it for yourself--and for free? Register here to test drive the fully supported Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.1.

Stay tuned for more, and happy storing!



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