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Red Hat Summit is just around the corner, and we’re excited to share all the ways in which you can connect with OpenStack® and learn more about this powerful cloud infrastructure technology. If you’re lucky enough to be headed to the event in San Francisco, May 8-10, we’re looking forward to seeing you. If you can’t go, fear not, there will be ways to see some of what’s going on there remotely. And if you’re undecided, what are you waiting for? Register today

From the time Red Hat Summit begins you can find hands-on labs, general sessions, panel discussions, demos in our partner pavillion (Hybrid Cloud section), and more throughout the week. You’ll also hear from Red Hat OpenStack Platform customers on their successes during some of the keynote presentations. Need an open, massively scalable storage solution for your cloud infrastructure? We’ll also have sessions dedicated to our Red Hat Ceph Storage product.

Red Hat Summit has grown significantly over the years, and this year we’ll be holding activities in both the Moscone South and Moscone West. And with all of the OpenStack sessions and labs happening, it may seem daunting to make it to everything, especially if you need to transition from one building to the next. But worry not. Our good friends from Red Hat Virtualization will be sponsoring pedicabs to help transport you between the buildings.   

Here’s our list of sessions for OpenStack and Ceph at Red Hat Summit:


Session Speaker Time / Location
Lab - Deploy a containerized HCI IaaS with OpenStack and Ceph Rhys Oxenham, Greg Charot, Sebastien Han, John Fulton 10:00 am / Moscone South, room 156
Ironic, VM operability combined with bare-metal performances Cedric Morandin (Amadeus) 10:30 am / Moscone West, room 2006
Lab - Hands-on with OpenStack and OpenDaylight SDN Rhys Oxenham, Nir Yechiel, Andre Fredette, Tim Rozat 1:00 pm / Moscone South, room 158
Panel - OpenStack use cases: how business succeeds with OpenStack featuring Cisco, IAG, Turkcell, and Duke Health August Simonelli, Pete Pawelski 3:30 pm / Moscone West, room 2007
Lab - Understanding containerized Red Hat OpenStack Platform Ian Pilcher, Greg Charot 4:00 pm / Moscone South, room 153
Red Hat OpenStack Platform: the road ahead Nick Barcet, Mark McLoughlin 4:30 pm / Moscone West, room 2007


Session Speaker Time / Location
Lab - First time hands-on with Red Hat OpenStack Platform Rhys Oxenham, Jacob Liberman 10:00 am / Moscone South, room 158
Red Hat Ceph Storage roadmap: past, present, and future Neil Levine 10:30 am / Moscone West, room 2024
Optimize Ceph object storage for production in multisite clouds Michael Hackett, John Wilkins 11:45 am / Moscone South, room 208
Production-ready NFV at Telecom Italia (TIM) Fabrizio Pezzella, Matteo Bernacchi, Antonio Gianfreda (Telecom Italia) 11:45 am / Moscone West, room 2002
Workload portability using Red Hat CloudForms and Ansible Bill Helgeson, Jason Woods, Marco Berube 11:45 am / Moscone West, room 2009
Delivering Red Hat OpenShift at ease on Red Hat OpenStack Platform and Red Hat Virtualization Francesco Vollero, Natale Vinto 3:30 pm / Moscone South, room 206
The future of storage and how it is shaping our roadmap Sage Weil 3:30 pm / Moscone West, room 2020
Lab - Hands on with Red Hat OpenStack Platform Rhys Oxenham, Jacob Liberman 4:00 pm / Moscone South, room 153
OpenStack and OpenShift networking integration Russell Bryant, Antoni Segura Puimedon, and Jose Maria Ruesta (BBVA) 4:30 pm / Moscone West, room 2011



Session Speaker Time / Location
Workshop - OpenStack roadmap in action Rhys Oxenham 10:45 am / Moscone South, room 214
Medical image processing with OpenShift and OpenStack Daniel McPherson, Ata Turk (Boston University), Rudolph Pienaar (Boston Children’s Hospital) 11:15 am / Moscone West, room 2006
Scalable application platform on Ceph, OpenStack, and Ansible Keith Hagberg (Fidelity), Senthivelrajan Lakshmanan (Fidelity), Michael Pagan, Sacha Dubois, Alexander Brovman (Solera Holdings) 1:00 pm / Moscone West, room 2007
Red Hat CloudForms: turbocharge your OpenStack Kevin Jones, Jason Ritenour 2:00 pm / Moscone West, room 201
What’s new in security for Red Hat OpenStack Platform? Nathan Kinder, Keith Basil 2:00 pm / Moscone West, room 2003
Ceph Object Storage for Apache Spark data platforms Kyle Bader, Mengmeng Liu 2:00 pm / Moscone South, room 207
OpenStack on FlexPod - like peanut butter and jelly Guil Barros, Amit Borulkar NetApp 3:00 pm / Moscone West, room 2009


Hope to see you there!




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