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One of the on-going challenges of IT is managing the never-ending demands for more and more data processing and information storage. One organization facing this challenge was the Metro de Madrid. Their IT infrastructure managed 45-50TB (terabytes) of information, divided into two main blocks: high-speed storage via fiber optic channels and storage across networks. Responsible for the administration and maintenance of operational computer systems of the Metro de Madrid, such as train traffic, energy management, audio systems, traveller information systems, and more, they required:

  • High availability of two distinct control centers to cover the needs of 700 end users in the event of contingencies, despite the geographical separation
  • Multiple services provided simultaneously by both control centers
  • Minimal downtime
  • Interoperability with existing hardware resources

To read the case study that outlines how Red Hat Storage Server provided a scalable solution to meet the long-term needs of the Metro de Madrid, visit



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