In November 2015, I blogged about the announcement to bring .NET to RHEL from the .NET Core upstream project to enterprise customers and developers, both as an RPM and as a Linux container. That was quite a moment for the industry and, quite frankly, for me as well, having participated in the discussions that led to the significant announcement with Microsoft. Since then, we have been in tight collaboration to make sure this day would actually arrive. Despite the usual challenges with a relatively new open source project, the project was
broken down into smaller, manageable pieces in the spirit of the UNIX philosophy (...and, as a former UNIX guy, this really warms my heart).
Well, here we are! It’s exciting that in a little more than seven months from the initial announcement we can now announce the availability of .NET Core on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. .NET Core is now available as both a software collection and as a Linux container, for use on any of the Red Hat container platforms, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host and OpenShift, with availability also through our Developer Program. So please take some time to download and install .NET Core - you can start building .NET Core programs for your business needs - alongside your Java and Python programs - today!
Cheers to Customer Choice!
Ron Pacheco is Senior Director of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Ecosystem at Red Hat, leading the team responsible for defining the RHEL ecosystem strategy while ensuring alignment to the company's business goals. In this role, Pacheco oversees Red Hat's evolving strategy for RHEL across the company's comprehensive partner ecosystem, spanning open source communities, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), independent hardware vendors (IHVs), independent software vendors (ISVs), developers, systems integrators (SIs), cloud and service providers.
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