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It's been a few weeks since our acquisition by Red Hat. Things have been moving forward fairly rapidly since then, and you may have questions about what has changed regarding the direction of GlusterFS and associated projects. Come to our meetup and learn about all the exciting things that are happening, and how you can benefit.


Here is just a sampling of what will be included in the discussion:

  • HekaFS - the multi-tenancy extension for cloud providers
  • Feature list for 3.3 - Simultaneous file and object access, HDFS compatibility, and more
  • Tentative release schedule
  • Project structure - changes are afoot for
  • How you can get involved

We're looking to take Gluster to the next level, and we want you to be a part of that. Come to the meetup and set the direction for Gluster and GlusterFS.




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Novità sull'automazione IT di tecnologie, team e ambienti

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Intelligenza artificiale

Aggiornamenti sulle piattaforme che consentono alle aziende di eseguire carichi di lavoro IA ovunque

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Hybrid cloud open source

Scopri come affrontare il futuro in modo più agile grazie al cloud ibrido

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Le ultime novità sulle nostre soluzioni per ridurre i rischi nelle tecnologie e negli ambienti

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Edge computing

Aggiornamenti sulle piattaforme che semplificano l'operatività edge

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Le ultime novità sulla piattaforma Linux aziendale leader a livello mondiale

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Approfondimenti sulle nostre soluzioni alle sfide applicative più difficili

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Serie originali

Raccontiamo le interessanti storie di leader e creatori di tecnologie pensate per le aziende