Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host Beta is an operating platform that is optimized and minimized to run containers. It packages key components of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 such as SELinux, systemd, and tuned with the kernel to facilitate running containers in a secure and optimized manner. It also offers Kubernetes and Docker to facilitate the rapid creation, deployment, and orchestration of containers - simplifying the life cycle management of applications and systems.
Containers allow users to put application and all of their runtime dependencies into secure packages that are both easy to deploy and easy to manage. Containers are also portable and images of a given container can be copied and replicated to other systems. Since containers are isolated from each other and are isolated from the host OS, libraries and application binaries can be updated individually without affecting other containers or the host OS (and vice versa).
The following video (below) mirrors the demo as presented
in one of our last posts and shows how containers can be used to run MongoDB in different user space environments (RHEL6 and RHEL7). It shows how container instances can be created very quickly and can be used to scale compute jobs. The difference between this new demo and the first is that we're now operating on Amazon EC2. With yesterday's announcement users who need to provision compute nodes on Amazon EC2 to run jobs in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 environments, can now do so on the same compute node without having to provision multiple servers, with the help of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host beta kernel and containers.
Have you downloaded the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host beta? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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