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More than 5,200 OpenStack professionals and enthusiasts gathered in Barcelona, Spain to attend the 2016 OpenStack Summit. From the keynotes to the break-out sessions to the marketplace to the evening events and the project work sessions on Friday, there was plenty to keep attendees busy throughout the week. In fact, if you were one of the lucky ones who attended OpenStack Summit, there was probably many sessions and activities you wanted to make it to but couldn't.

Red Hat was very busy throughout the week as well, as we participated in 49 sessions, staffed a booth in the marketplace with five demo stations, announced several new and exciting customers, hosted and co-hosted evening events throughout the week, and held hands-on, intensive training through OpenStack Academy. So if you weren't able to make it to every Red Hat session, or couldn't go to the Summit at all, here is a recap of everything we did.

With Ericsson, we announced a new alliance to enable the adoption of open source solutions. In addition, we announced several new customers who are having great success with OpenStack in deployment:

Finally, we announced the results of our second annual customer survey, gathering their thoughts on key topics related to OpenStack, including deployment, management tools, and containers.

Dozens of Red Hat's OpenStack experts delivered or co-delivered almost 50 sessions at OpenStack Summit. Here is a listing of them all, with links to the recorded version.

Red Hat: Leveraging CI/CD to Improve OpenStack Operations Maria Bracho, Daniel Sheppard (Rackspace)
Deploying and Operating a Production Application Cloud with OpenStack Chris Wright, Pere Monclus (PLUMgrid), Sandra O'Boyle (Heavy Reading), Marcel Haerry (Swisscom)
Delivering Composable NFV Services for Business, Residential & Mobile Edge Azhar Sayeed, Sharad Ashlawat (PLUMgrid)

Evolution of the Modern Day Service Provider Needs

Al Sadowski, Group 451
Radhesh Balakrishnan, Red Hat
I found a security bug, what happen's next? Tristan de Cacqueray and Matthew Booth
Failed OpenStack Update?! Now What? Roger Lopez
OpenStack Scale and Performance Testing with Browbeat Will Foster, Sai Sindhur Malleni, Alex Krzos

Mobile Edge Computing in support of IoT

Sanjay Aiyagari, Red Hat
Pierre Olivier Mathys, Red Hat
OpenStack and the Orchestration Options for Telecom / NFV Chris Wright, Tobias Ford (AT&T), Hui Deng (China Mobile), Diego Lopez Garcia (Telefonica)
How to Work Upstream with OpenStack Julien Danjou, Ashiq Khan (NTT), Ryota Mibu (NEC)
OpenStack and Ansible: Automation born in the Cloud Keith Tenzer
Message Routing: a next-generation alternative to RabbitMQ Kenneth Giusti, Andrew Smith

Deploying Containers at Scale on OpenStack

Steve Gordon, Principal Product Manager, Red Hat OpenStack Platform
Pushing your QA upstream Rodrigo Duarte Sousa
TryStack: The Free OpenStack Community Sandbox Will Foster, Kambiz Aghaiepour

Panel: Meeting The Largest Service Provider’s Needs with an Ecosystem Approach

Susan James, Ericsson
Darrell Jordan Smith, Red Hat
Mark McCloughlin, Red Hat
Ian Hood, Red Hat
Lew Tucker, Cisco
Kerberos and Health Checks and Bare Metal, Oh My! Updates to OpenStack Sahara in Newton Elise Gafford, Nikita Konovalov (Mirantis), Vitaly Gridnev (Mirantis)

Red Hat discovery session: Key considerations for a successful OpenStack deployment

Bart van den Heuvel, Manager, Consulting Services
Alberto Garcia, Senior Cloud Architect

Feeling a bit deprecated? We are too. Let's work together to embrace the OpenStack Unified CLI. Darin Sorrentino, Chris Janiszewski
The race conditions of Neutron L3 HA's scheduler under scale performace John Schwarz, Ann Taraday (Mirantis), Kevin Benton (Mirantis)

Bringing Cloud Innovation to the Enterprise

Nick Barcet, Senior Director of Product Management, Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Cinder Always On - Reliability And Scalability Guide

Gorka Eguileor, Michal Dulko (Intel)

OpenStack is an Application! Deploy and Manage Your Stack with Kolla-Kubernetes Ryan Hallisey, Ken Wronkiewicz (Cisco), Michal Jastrzebski (Intel)
OpenStack Requirements: what we are doing, what to expect, and what’s next Swapnil Kulkarni and Davanum Srinivas
Stewardship: bringing more leadership and vision to OpenStack Monty Taylor, Amrith Kumar (Tesora), Colette Alexander (Intel), Thierry Carrez (OpenStack Foundation)
Using OpenStack Swift to empower Turkcell's public cloud services Christian Schwede, Orhan Biyiklioglu (Turkcell) & Doruk Aksoy (Turkcell)
Lessons Learned from a Large-Scale Telco OSP+SDN Deployment
Guil Barros, Cyril Lopez, Vicken Krissian
KVM and QEMU Internals: Understanding the IO Subsystem Kyle Bader
Effective Code Review Dougal Matthews
OVN - Moving into Production Russell Bryant, Justin Pettit (VMware), Ben Pfaff (VMware)
Anatomy Of OpenStack Neutron Through The Eagle Eyes Of Troubleshooters Sadique Puthen
Building self-healing applications with Aodh, Zaqar and Mistral Zane Bitter, Lingxian Kong (Catalyst IT), Fei Long Wang (Catalyst IT)
Writing A New Puppet OpenStack Module Like A Rockstar

Emilien Macchi

Ambassador Community Report Erwan Gallen, Kavit Munshi (Aptira), Jaesuk Ahn (SKT), Marton Kiss (Aptira), Akihiro Hasegawa (Bit-isle Equinix, Inc)
VPP: the ultimate NFV vSwitch (and more!)? Franck Baudin, Uri Elzur (Intel)
Zuul v3: OpenStack and Ansible Native CI/CD James Blair
Container Defense in Depth Thomas Cameron, Scott McCarty
Analyzing Performance in the Cloud: solving an elastic problem with a scientific approach Alex Krzos, Nicholas Wakou (Dell)
One-stop-shop for OpenStack tools Ruchika Kharwar
OpenStack troubleshooting: So simple even your kids can do it Vinny Valdez, Jonathan Jozwiak
Solving Distributed NFV Puzzle with OpenStack and SDN Rimma Iontel, Fernando Oliveira (VZ), Rajneesh Bajpai (BigSwitch)
Ceph, now and later: our plan for open unified cloud storage Sage Weil
How to configure your cloud to be able to charge your users using official OpenStack components! Julien Danjou, Stephane Albert (Objectif Libre), Christophe Sauthier (Objectif Libre)
A dice with several faces: Coordinators, mentors and interns on OpenStack Outreachy internships Victoria Martinez de la Cruz, Nisha Yadav (Delhi Tech Universty), Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz (HPE)
Yo dawg I herd you like Containers, so we put OpenStack and Ceph in Containers Sean Cohen, Sebastien Han, Federico Lucifredi
Picking an OpenStack Networking solution Russell Bryant, Gal Sagie (Huawei)
Forget everything you knew about Swift Rings - here's everything you need to know about Swift Rings Christian Schwede, Clay Gerrard (Swiftstack)
3-2-1 Action! Running OpenStack Shared File System Service in Production

Sean Cohen, Tom Barron, Anika Sure (NetApp)

OVN - Moving into Production Russell Bryant, Justin Pettit (VMware), Ben Pfaff (VMware)

Hopefully we'll see you in Boston in May, 2017, for either the OpenStack Summit or the Red Hat Summit, or even both.




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