At last week’s co-located Red Hat Summit and JBoss World, I had the opportunity to present our 2009 Innovator of the Year Awards. The awards ceremony is one of my favorite parts of Red Hat Summit and JBoss World, and recognizing and honoring our customers is a great way to close out a busy week of learning and networking. In its third year, the Innovation Awards highlight organizations with compelling stories about how they’ve put Red Hat and JBoss products and technologies to use in their IT environments.
The six category finalists for 2009 included:
Management Excellence
Red Hat: Whole Foods Market
JBoss: American Family Insurance
Optimized Systems
Red Hat: Verizon Communications Inc.
JBoss: Harvard Business Publishing + Rivet Logic
Superior Alternatives
Red Hat: Union Bank, N.A.
Carved Out Costs
Red Hat: Discount Tire Company
JBoss: Allianz Australia Ltd
Extensive Ecosystem
Red Hat: Hilti Corporation
JBoss: Optaros + Massachusetts Convention Center Authority
Red Hat and JBoss: Outstanding Open Source Architecture
Ecommerce Inc. + Vizuri
Voting was open to the entire open source and Red Hat community to select the two overall Innovation Award winners – one Red Hat and one JBoss winner. I am pleased to announce that this year’s Red Hat Innovator of the Year Award went to Whole Foods Market. The company was selected for its use of Red Hat Satellite to manage its Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems that resulted in reduced costs, reallocated resources and the ability of the Whole Foods IT department to focus on strategic business initiatives.
The JBoss Innovator of the Year went to Ecommerce + Vizuri for their work in developing Imperia, an Intelligent Data Center web services hosting platform that aims to increase customer service, reduce customer turnover, reduce operational costs, and increase customer reliability using Red Hat, JBoss, Hyperic and EnterpriseDB solutions. Ecommerce chose Vizuri to develop the project because of its excellent track record with Red Hat based open source solutions and strong placement within the industry.
The impressive effort and time put forth by these organizations speaks to the true impact of open source. I encourage all of you to read their full submissions and case studies to learn more about their amazing work with Red Hat and JBoss solutions.
Paul Cormier is Chairman of Red Hat. He has been with the company since 2001 and previously served as President and Chief Executive Officer. During his tenure, he has driven much of the company’s open hybrid cloud strategy, playing an instrumental role in expanding Red Hat’s portfolio to a full, modern IT stack based on open source innovation.
Cormier joined Red Hat as Executive Vice President of Engineering, eventually moving into the leadership role of President of Products and Technologies. He helped to pioneer a commercial business model for open source software, moving open source innovation from passionate communities to broad adoption from the datacenter to the cloud. He is credited with leading efforts to introduce an enterprise subscription model, leading to the development of Red Hat Enterprise Linux®.
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