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Openstack Swift Hackathon

Monday, September 29, 2014 at 9:00 AM - Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 5:00 PM (EDT)

Westford, MA

Registration URL:

Swift Hackathon:  Red Hat is pleased to announce that it's hosting the next Openstack Swift Hackathon at our Westford, MA office. Come join us for a week of hacking on new code or working through the most current issues. This event is geared towards Swift development, and will not include any introductory sessions or marketing-type PowerPoint presentations. Red Hat will provide a catered lunch each day and will take the entire group out to dinner on one of the evenings.

Dates/Times:  Sept. 29th - Oct. 2nd (M-Th) from 9-5 each day. On Thursday we’ll break a bit early (2ish) to accommodate early evening flights out.

Location: Red Hat, Inc. | 314 Littleton Road, Westford, MA, 01886 | USA

There are 35 blocked rooms at the Westford Regency Inn. Use the keywords "Red Hat Hackathon" to refer to the room block.
Block rate: $105 nightly room rate. The bookings need to happen before Sept. 1st.
Address: Westford Regency Inn | 219 Littleton Rd, Westford, MA, 01886 | 978-692-8200

Other hotels in the area:

  • Residence Inn Westord Boston - Marriott
  • Hampton Inn & Suites Westord-Chelmsford (Basically brand new, 2-3 years old)


Parking: There are parking lots in front and in the back of the building. The lot in front is for visitors, so feel free to use it and it is the closest. Please use the front entrance to enter the building.


There are three airports in the Boston area:

  • BOS, Logan Airport, Boston, MA
  • MHT, Manchester-Boston Regional, Manchester, NH
  • PVD, T. F. Green, Providence, RI
  • Burton Grill, 1 Cornerstone Square, Westford, MA 01886, (978) 692-1220,
  • Eviva Cucina, 7 Cornerstone Square, Westford, MA 01886, (978) 692-9050,
  • Moonstones, 185 Chelmsford St, Chelmsford, MA 01824, (978) 256-7777,
  • Fishbones, 34 Central Square, Chelmsford, MA 01824, (978) 250-0101
  • Gibbet Hill, 61 Lowell Road, Groton, MA, 978-448-2900,
  • British Beer Company, 149 Littleton Road, Westford, MA, 978-577-6034,
  • Bertucci's, 14 Littleton Road, Chelmsford, MA, 978-250-8800,




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