Today’s service providers (SPs) are operating in an evolving and competitive environment, where there can be pressure to launch new services that will keep subscribers engaged without significantly raising prices. On top of this, SPs often have to achieve these goals while also meeting strict data protection, security, and stability standards.
Sunrise Communications, one of Switzerland’s largest telecommunications providers, knew that modernizing its network was its key to success in these areas. To do this, the organization took a three-pronged approach: Sunrise consolidated its IT infrastructure to SAP HANA, standardized on enterprise open source software from Red Hat, and used industry-standard hardware from Huawei to simplify what had been a complex OSS environment and to better control costs.
A key part of the plan included deploying Red Hat Satellite to centrally manage the SAP system, Red Hat infrastructure, and server environment, which includes more than 20 physical servers for legacy applications and Oracle databases, as well as more than 600 virtual Linux servers.
The benefits to Sunrise already are evident. Processes run faster, SAP support costs have been reduced and Sunrise is able to leverage Red Hat’s involvement in open source communities and technical expertise to adopt stable yet innovative technology.
Sunrise is able to continue to competitively price its services, too. In fact, Sunrise currently plans to adopt Red Hat Ansible Tower to further improve its IT efficiency. The end result? Sunrise plans to realize a standardized, software-defined and virtual infrastructure running on enterprise software from Red Hat and more cost-effective, industry-standard hardware.
To learn more about how Sunrise is working with Red Hat, read the full case study here.
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