
As I gear up to attend the 2018 Rice Oil & Gas HPC Conference in Houston, I take pause and think about the journey that the science of High Performance Computing (HPC) has been through and more importantly, am curious about where it is headed.

When I had spoken about sustaining an ecosystem of Open Innovation at this conference last year, I had the privilege of meeting Earl Dodd, an industry expert on HPC. I happened to have an opportunity to meet Earl recently and engaged in an insightful conversation about HPC. Let us just say our conversation sprouted the idea of doing a multi-part podcast starting with the basics and looking ahead to the future.

We hope you'll join us as we head "Back to the Future" of HPC through podcasts that define what HPC is and explore where HPC is headed.

When I shared this with Red Hat Technology Leader, Dave Montana, he proposed the idea of doing the next podcast with Jan Odegard, associate vice president at the Ken Kennedy Institute at Rice University. Which, in turn, raises the possibility of this evolving into a series of podcasts on relevant topics in this domain! So, what say you?

What are some other ideas you have on other topics that could be part of this podcast series? You will see Earl and I touch upon the passion we share for open collaboration both within Red Hat as well as the Society of HPC Professionals. Let us just say that the two are coming together here to collaborate and determine the podcasts that would be most relevant to the community of High Performance Computing professionals. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this article in the comments field below, and joins us as we go "Back to the Future" of High Performance Computing at the Society of HPC Professionals conference in Houston. See you there!




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