JBoss Solution Providers and ISVs continue to deliver value to their customers through the JBoss portfolio. And we know that to grow a strong partner ecosystem, Red Hat must continue to enable our partners. One of the ways we are doing that is through update-briefings and related web-training sessions like those scheduled here.
To that end, we will be hosting a series of one hour online “Partner-Only” briefings the week of July 20th that will give participants an overview of the JBoss roadmap, a look into what’s in store for the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.0 family, and discuss what Red Hat is doing to promote our partner ecosystem.
The briefings are timely in light of this month’s earlier announcement, JBoss Open Choice, our strategy for next generation application platform architecture. As part of JBoss Open Choice, Red Hat has expanded its application platform portfolio with the planned delivery of three workload-appropriate application server runtime solutions. ISV’s can certify their applications to these three offerings and solution partners can deliver increased value to their customers by taking advantage of Red Hat’s newest flagship Enterprise Application Platforms.
- JBoss Enterprise Application Platform – offering robust Java Enterprise Edition (EE) support
- JBoss Enterprise Web Platform – for mid-sized workloads, supporting light and rich Java applications
- JBoss Enterprise Web Server – for light Java workloads and simple web applications
There is no doubt that customers have been demanding high value alternatives to costly and complex proprietary software. And while, proprietary application server vendors continue to “move up the stack” by delivering products that seem too costly and complex, customers are re-evaluating their needs and costs. Until now, no enterprise vendor has offered a “choice” that spans the entire range of enterprise application needs. Through JBoss Open Choice we believe our partners will be able to find the solution set that best matches their customers’ demands.
Starting today, partners can join the early release program and gain access to the new products coming out of development. Contact us at isvpartners@redhat.com to register for support and stay tuned to www.jboss.com or click on our webinar page to find out more details on how to register for these events.
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