Red Hat is pleased to announce the availability of Hibernate Search 3.1 on This latest Hibernate project release provides improved performance, new features and an enhanced user experience over previous releases.

New features in Hibernate Search 3.1 include:

  • Significant performance improvements at indexing time (including reduced lock contention, parallel execution).
  • Significant performance improvements at query time (including I/O reduction both for Lucene and SQL, and better concurrency).
  • Support for declarative analyzer composition enabling easy phonetic approximation, unaccented search etc
  • Support for dynamic analyzers
  • Better control over manual indexing and support for term vector and custom similarity
  • Declarative caching of filter results
  • And much more

    For details on what’s new, check out the Hibernate project team blog here. You can see the full feature set for Hibernate Search 3.1 in the release notes, and is available for download here. Migration from previous versions of Hibernate Search is recommended, and a migration guide is available.

    The Hibernate project fuels the JBoss Hibernate Framework, a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence and query service. This JBoss Enterprise Framework is also part of the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, an integrated distribution which includes the JBoss Seam Framework and JBoss Applcation Server. Hibernate allows users to develop persistent classes following object-oriented idiom, including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and collections.