The HIMSS Innovation Center is a permanent exhibition of interoperability where healthcare providers, payers and consumers can demonstrate exchange of patient health information
This week, we’re at the HIMSS16 Annual Conference. in Las Vegas, talking about our work to bring open hybrid cloud solutions to the healthcare industry. It’s an area where we have deep experience, with 100% of Fortune 500 healthcare companies relying on Red Hat solutions.
Technology transformations, from cloud and digital services to mobile, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the consumerization of IT are all having a profound impact on the technology industry. Open source can offer the healthcare industry scalable, well-integrated, more secure and flexible technology solutions to help support all of these changes.
To help advance the awareness and adoption of open source technology in healthcare organizations, we’re pleased to share that we've joined the HIMSS Innovation Center in Cleveland, Ohio, as a Supporting Collaborator to become part of the elite team of innovators, working together and leading advancement of health information management by optimizing the use of technology. Here’s how HIMSS describes the Innovation Center:
The HIMSS Innovation Center is the only physical and virtual, state-of-the-art, testing, exhibition and conference facility that offers real-time demonstration of how healthcare technologies contribute to safer, higher quality and more cost-effective care and ensures that information gets to the right people at the right time to enable informed decisions.
The Innovation center is the only location in the world where vendors can validate--with other industry players--how their health IT solutions simply and seamlessly integrate and operate with emerging technology; and a place where all visitors can experience interactive demonstrations to help them learn more about innovation, current health IT initiatives and the importance of health IT.
As a Supporting Collaborator, Red Hat solutions will be highlighted in the HIMSS Innovation Center’s Technology Showcase.
HIMSS announced its commitment to be part of the Global Center for Health Innovation via the HIMSS Innovation Center in February 2013. The Global Center is adjacent to the Cleveland Convention Center, a premier location that attracts healthcare providers year-round.
Join us at the HIMSS16 Annual Conference.or the HIMSS Innovation Center. to learn more about Red Hat’s work in the healthcare industry!
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