
Innovation cycles are becoming shorter, and the speed with which technology is moving is now outpacing our current creation models. These are the themes Red Hat President and CEO Jim Whitehurst is planning to address during a keynote presentation at ContainerCon 2016 on Tuesday, Aug. 23, at 9 a.m. ET in Toronto.

August 2016 marks the 25th anniversary of Linux, and in that time period, Linux has had an undeniably transformative impact on technology. Linux and open source have firmly established themselves within the enterprise, and with that there has been a revolution in fundamental business philosophies. Open practices like transparency, collaboration, and sharing are proving to be the methods for the best innovation. During his keynote, Whitehurst will explore two questions:

  1. How will we use this philosophy and these innovations to effect change in the world?
  2. How will we move forward together?

ContainerCon brings together leaders in the development and deployment of containers, to discuss how to continue to innovate on the delivery of open source infrastructure, and to learn about the best ways to use Linux container technology - a system that is changing the way we automate, deploy, and scale workloads. By co-locating with LinuxCon, ContainerCon will bring together a diverse range of experts from cloud computing and Linux to offer a general technical conference that is open to everyone. 


Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

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