
Red Hat and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are pleased to announce our third annual Cybersecurity Open Forum – Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity. On April 24, 2024, cybersecurity experts will gather in Washington, D.C., to share best practices and strategies for successfully navigating the evolving cybersecurity landscape. As threats evolve in sophistication and scale, government and industry must adapt swiftly and effectively to protect data and infrastructure.

Attendees will learn about the nature of cybersecurity vulnerabilities, strategies to enable protection in open cloud-based environments, and approaches to help safeguard against current and emerging threats to data and commerce. There is a special focus on space systems as a unique area that pushes the boundaries of cybersecurity use cases while it tackles modern requirements and challenges. Topics will span computing security measures, practices and policies, with a focus placed on cybersecurity around data applications in space.

Top sessions will include:

  • Keynote: The Convergence of AI, Cybersecurity, and Digital Assets: A New Dawn for Financial Infrastructure
  • Panel: Emerging Technologies for Space Systems
  • Panel: Security for AI and Autonomous Space Activity

Notable government executives scheduled to present include:

  • Dr. Dianne Poster, Senior Advisor, Material Measurement Laboratory, NIST
  • Rob Powell, Senior Advisor for Cybersecurity National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • Matthew Scholl, Division Chief, Computer Security Division, Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), NIST
  • Nick Leiserson, Assistant National Cyber Director for Cyber Policy and Programs, The White House

They’ll join Red Hat speakers Adam Clater, Chief Architect, Financial Services, and Michael Epley, Chief Architect and Security Strategist, as well as Keith Frederick, CISO-GEM, Viasat and Michael Greenwald, Global Head, Financial Innovation and Digital Assets, Amazon Web Services.

Secure your spot and register here.




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