
We are pleased to announce new Red Hat Storage Server capabilities in conjunction with the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 4.0. With enhanced data protection for OpenStack and volume snap shot creation and management, Red Hat Storage and Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 4.0 help optimize the overall data footprint for enterprise cloud infrastructure.

Red Hat Storage, an open software-defined storage solution, provides multiple data access methods including File (Glance), Block (Cinder) and Object (Swift) Storage for OpenStack deployments in a truly elastic, scale-out approach. Red Hat Storage deployed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 4.0 provides Cinder, Glance and Swift Object services for a unified storage approach that eliminates disparate silos of data and scales to petabyte levels.

Additional new features in Red Hat Storage for Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 4.0 include the creation and management of snapshots and volumes as well as the ability to provide copy-on-write snapshots for enhanced data protection, check-pointing and recovery mechanisms for virtual guests. Similarly, the new ability to initiate and manage volumes from a known working copy also helps reduce the storage footprint.

Red Hat Storage is also now integrated with Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.3 to reliably store virtual machine images and reduce dependency on complex and expensive SAN infrastructure. An important component of the solution is the ability to manage both virtual and storage infrastructures through the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization management console so customers can gain central visibility and control of their large scale infrastructures through a single management interface.

The new capabilities in Red Hat Storage enable customers to benefit from an integrated private cloud, virtualization and storage infrastructure from a single solution provider. For more information about the new Red Hat Storage capabilities with Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, please visit here.




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