If you're looking at running Linux containers, you should be heading to ContainerCon in Seattle next week. Co-located with LinuxCon and CloudOpen, ContainerCon is where leading contributors in Linux containers, the Linux kernel, and related projects will get together to educate the community on containers and related innovations.
Red Hatters are contributing to over 40 se ssions on this year’s agenda, including a keynote from Red Hat VP of Engineering Matt Hicks. In “Revolutionizing Application Delivery with Linux and Containers,” Matt will focus on how Linux containers are changing the way that companies develop, consume and manage applications and will emphasize how open source communities and projects like Docker and Kubernetes are delivering this next wave of enterprise application architecture.
If you’re attending ContainerCon, check out Matt’s keynote and some of the sessions below:
Monday, August 17
Time | Topic | Speaker |
11:00am - 11:50am | Building Clustered Applications with Kubernetes and Docker | Steve Watt |
12:00pm - 12:50pm | Docker for Developers | Michael Hrivnak |
12:00pm - 12:50pm | Managing Kubernetes and OpenShift with ManageIQ | Alissa Bonas |
3:20pm - 4:10pm | Lightweight Openstack Benchmarking Service with Rally and Docker | Swapnil Kuikarni |
3:20pm - 5:10pm | Building Containerized Applications | Dusty Mabe and Dan Walsh |
6:00pm - 6:40pm | Container Keynote Panel: | Joe Brockmeier (Moderator) |
Tuesday, August 18
Time | Topic | Speaker |
10:30am - 11:20am | Understanding Atomic: Under the Hood of an Atomic Host | Joe Brockmeier |
11:30am - 12:20pm | VDSM in a Box - The Journey of the oVirt Hypervisor Into the Container World & Project Atomic | Anatoly Litovsky |
2:00pm - 2:50pm | The Atomic App and Nulecule: Scalable Applications for the Rest of Us | John Mark Walker |
2:00pm - 2:50pm | Containerizing Distributions | Colin Walters |
3:00pm - 3:50pm | Super Privileged Containers | Dan Walsh |
5:35pm - 5:45pm | Keynote: Revolutionizing Application Delivery with Linux and Containers | Matt Hicks |
Wednesday, August 19
Time | Topic | Speaker |
11:25am - 12:15pm | A DevOps State of Mind | Chris Van Tuin |
11:25am - 12:15pm | Repeatable Processes for Building Secure Containers | Ryan Jarvinen and Dan Walsh |
2:00pm - 2:50pm | Container Security | Dan Walsh |
3:00pm - 3:50pm | Persistent Storage for Containers with Kubernetes and OpenShift | Mark Turansky |
3:00pm - 3:50pm | Docker: Develop and Deploy | Ryan Jarvinen |
3:00pm - 3:50pm | What Does Kubernetes Get Me | Eric Paris |
You can visit us at booth #310, where you can ask questions about securing container-based apps, standards, related open source projects such as Kubernetes, Docker, Project Atomic, and more. You can also learn more about what to look for in a container-optimized OS, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host, or see a demonstration of OpenShift, Red Hat’s award-winning PaaS that uses containers to help you speed innovation and deliver apps faster.
For more information or to register for LinuxCon, ContainerCon and CloudOpen, visit http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-north-america.
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