In the lead up to OpenStack Summit Hong Kong, the last OpenStack Summit held in the Asia-Pacific region, Radhesh Balakrishnan - General Manager for OpenStack at Red Hat - defined this site as the place to follow us on our journey taking community projects to enterprise products and solutions.
We are excited to now be preparing to head back to the Asia-Pacific region for OpenStack Summit Tokyo - October 27-30 - to share just how far we have come on that journey with host of session proposals focussing on enterprise requirements and the success of OpenStack in this space. The OpenStack Foundation manages voting by allowing its members to choose the topics and presentations they would like to see.
To vote, click on the session title below and you will be directed to the voting page. If you are a member of the OpenStack Foundation, just login. If you are not, you are welcome to join now - it is simple and free.
Vote for your favorites by midnight Pacific Standard Time on July 30th and we will see you in Tokyo!
Is OpenStack ready for the enterprise? Is the enterprise ready for OpenStack?
Can I use OpenStack to build an enterprise cloud? |
Elephant in the Room: What's the TCO for an OpenStack cloud? |
The Journey to Enterprise Primetime |
Organizing IT to Deliver OpenStack |
How Customers use OpenStack to deliver Business Applications |
Stop thinking traditional infrastructure - Think Cloud! A recipe to build a successful cloud environment |
Breaking the OpenStack Dream - OpenStack deployments with business goals in mind |
Enterprise Success Stories
OpenStack for robust and reliable enterprise private cloud: An analysis of current capabilities, gaps, and how they can be addressed. |
Verizon's NFV Learnings |
Cloud automation with Red Hat CloudForms: Migrating 1000+ servers from VMWare to OpenStack |
Solutions for the Enterprise
RHCI: A comprehensive Solution for Private IaaS Clouds |
Cisco UCS Integrated Infrastructure for Red Hat OpenStack |
Cisco UCS & Red Hat OpenStack: Upstream Partnership to Streamline OpenStack |
Deploying and Integrating OpenShift on Dell’s OpenStack Cloud Reference Architecture |
Scalable and Successful OpenStack Deployments on FlexPod |
Simplifying Openstack in the Enterprise with Cisco and Red Hat |
It's a team sport: building a hardened enterprise ecosystem |
Dude, this isn't where I parked my instance!? |
Libguestfs: the ultimate disk-image multi-tool |
Which Third party OpenStack Solutions should I use in my Cloud? |
Securing OpenStack for the Enterprise
Everything You Need to Know to Secure an OpenStack Cloud (but Were Afraid to Ask) |
Towards a more Secure OpenStack Cloud |
Hands-on lab: configuring Keystone to trust your favorite OpenID Connect Provider. |
Securing OpenStack with Identity Management in Red Hat Enterprise Linux |
Securing your Application Stacks on OpenStack |
Steve Gordon is senior director of Product Management at Red Hat
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