피드 구독


Red Hat Enterprise MRG Messaging is an open, standards-based AMQP (Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol) platform built using high throughput, low-latency messaging middleware. It provides a critical messaging backbone for highly performant, distributed computing environments and is important for organizations engaged in distributed computing.


To help software architects, broker administrators and developers install, configure and interact with the Red Hat Enterprise MRG Messaging broker, Red Hat Training is pleased to announce the availability of its Red Hat Messaging Deployment (RHD355) course. Course topics range from an introductory overview to architecture detail discussions to more advanced subject matter, such as clustering, broker federation and security. The course places particular emphasis on using the client API to send and receive messages.


The full course outline includes the following:

• Understanding and configuring the Qpid Broker

• Understanding key exchange types and how they bind to queues

• Queue configuration

• Setting up persistence

• Reviewing prior learning of the basic development of C++, Python and JMS clients

• Clustering the broker

• Broker federation

• Security


As is the case with all Red Hat Training courses, students have the opportunity to demonstrate real-world practice through hands-on labs.


To learn more about Red Hat Messaging Deployment (RHD355), please visit www.redhat.com/training/courses/rhd355/.

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