피드 구독

As the OpenStack project gains momentum, contributor stats and data from the project, made available via the OpenStack Foundation / Bitergia and Stackalytics, have served as a good source on OpenStack project leadership for industry watchers and influencers, and project contributors. Last week, when OpenStack Havana was released, the contributor stats were also released.

We’re proud to share that for the second release in a row, Red Hat emerged as the leading corporate contributor to the OpenStack project by several measures, including:

Commits Per Company


Closed Tickets Per Company


Sent Messages Per Company (Mailing List Activity)


In addition to Red Hat’s position as the leading corporate contributor to the OpenStack project, we’re thrilled to see Red Hatters recognized among the leading individual contributors to OpenStack, including:

  • Mark McLoughlin: #1 commit author; #7 sender
  • Steve Baker: #10 commit author; #4 closer
  • Russell Bryant: #2 sender
  • Steven Hardy: #10 closer

It is certainly no secret that Red Hat is a leading open source contributor and that we believe in community-powered innovation. As the numbers above show, Red Hat’s commitment to OpenStack is no different.

We’re headed to the OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong in just a few weeks to talk not only about the OpenStack project, but also about enterprise adoption of OpenStack. If you are also attending, we hope you’ll join us in one of our sessions during the conference!

저자 소개

Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

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채널별 검색

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