피드 구독

What’s that saying: Ya can’t keep a good person down? Well, ya can’t keep a good technology contained—and that’s why Ceph’s been appearing at venues across the globe.

Ceph Day just hit Chicago

Most recently—this past August—Ceph made its way to Chicago, home of Chicago-style pizza and hot dogs, a place known worldwide for its Prohibition-era ruckus as well as its present-day spirits and brews. There, at Ceph Day Chicago, Bloomberg’s Chris Jones, senior cloud infrastructure, architecture/DevOps, explained how Ceph helps power storage at the financial giant.

After that, Paul von Stammwitz of Fujitsu led a session about bringing Ceph storage to the enterprise, and Red Hat’s director of community, Patrick McGarry, rounded out the day with an update on the Ceph ecosystem.

For the full list of the event’s attendees and topics, check out the agenda.

Our next stop is Cupertino


So what’s the next stop on the Ceph tour? Red Hat Storage Day Cupertino! Slated for October 15 at Seagate headquarters, the event promises a full slate of Ceph-related information, including:

  • Why software-defined storage is driving a shift in the industry
  • How Red Hat Storage solutions are suited for enterprise workloads
  • What deployment practices work best and where they’ve worked in the real world

To learn more about this event and register, click here. Want to learn more about Red Hat Storage solutions? Click here to learn more about Red Hat Gluster Storage—Test drive it for free here. To learn more about Red Hat Ceph Storage, click here. Test drive it—also for free—here.

Happy storing! Hope to see you in Cupertino!

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