Want to know more about rich media? In a recent webinar, Red Hat Senior Solutions Architect Kyle Bader took a deep dive into rich media and the unique demands it places on storage systems. We recap some highlights from the webinar here, but please register for the on-demand version here to get the full experience.
What you’ll learn
When you register, you’ll learn that building Ceph clusters to address the challenges of rich media requires its own set of architectural considerations, such as providing high throughput and cost/capacity optimization. You’ll also learn about:
- Selecting the right hardware
- Configuring your network optimally
- Tuning Linux and Ceph to help achieve your goals
- Achieving a Ceph configuration optimal for your needs
- Identifying a tuned configuration
About Kyle
And you’re in good, knowledgeable hands in this webinar: Your speaker, Kyle, who joined Red Hat as part of the 2014 Inktank acquisition, has expertise in the design and operation of petabyte-scale storage systems using Ceph. He’s implemented and designed Ceph-based storage systems for DreamHost, DreamObjects, and DreamCompute cloud products, among others.
Take our test drive
And of course, there’s even more. Did you know that you can test drive Red Hat Ceph Storage—for free? Check it out here.
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