The Friday Five is a weekly Red Hat® blog post with 5 of the week's top news items and ideas from or about Red Hat and the technology industry. Consider it your weekly digest of things that caught our eye.
Red Hat Enhances Cloud-Native Security, Application Consistency with Latest Version of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
This week, Red Hat announced the general availability of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.6, the latest version of Red Hat's enterprise-grade Kubernetes container application platform. Organizations across the globe, like Copel Telecom, are turning towards cloud-native applications as a pathway to digital transformation, but critical IT needs like greater application security, compliance and service consistency must still be answered. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.6 helps to address these challenges with a new PCI-DSS applicability guide and fine-grained network policy and control, as well as the introduction of new features designed to deliver consistent applications across hybrid and multi-cloud deployments.
Forbes - Red Hat Pushes Linux Towards The 'Four Footprints' Of Technology
Open source operating systems could one day be the established norm and the de facto standard way we all use our machines. So where does Linux enjoy a huge established base of deployment? It's in the core enterprise space. This is where Linux is still Linux in the sense that it is open source... but it is 'commercial' open source and that means a few things. Commercial open source is not intended to be 'dynamic' and this means that its libraries, dependencies and internal code structure are essentially locked at the point of deployment. This is a good thing.
Information Age - Digital transformation is now a matter of survival
Digital transformation is now a CEO priority, because it is a matter of surviving in an increasingly competitive environment – according to Werner Knoblich, senior vice president and general manager EMEA at Red Hat. "We live in a world where if companies don't digitally transform, their bottom lines will not survive. In the future, even today, every single company will differentiate itself over its competition through digital assets."
HelpNetSecurity - Container security: The seven biggest mistakes companies are making
As enterprises increase adoption of containers, they also risk increasing the number of mistakes they make with the technology. Given that many companies are still wrapping their heads around the potential of container technology and how to best leverage it, that stands to reason. With that said, however, companies must ensure that they are establishing a solid foundation for security as they continue to identify strategies and workloads that make sense on a container platform. Here are the seven biggest container security mistakes companies are making, and how they can "adjust their sails" to ensure smooth sailing ahead.
Global Banking and Finance Review - The great innovation challenge: How financial services is embracing container technology
Whilst banks may not traditionally have been the fastest movers when it comes to embracing emerging technologies, we are now seeing best practice examples of modernisation coming from these stereotypically risk-averse institutions, which now want to enter a new phase of agility. Whereas previously organisations have tended to be tied to an 80/20 rule when it comes to digital transformation, spending 80 percent of their resource on existing apps and 20 percent on innovation, some financial services institutions are leading the charge in flipping these priorities around, or at least bridging the gap. It is this understanding of how emerging technologies can drive business prosperity, as well as a genuine appetite for innovation, that will be the determining factor when it comes to which institutions prosper in the digital age.
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Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.
채널별 검색
기술, 팀, 인프라를 위한 IT 자동화 최신 동향
고객이 어디서나 AI 워크로드를 실행할 수 있도록 지원하는 플랫폼 업데이트
오픈 하이브리드 클라우드
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엣지 컴퓨팅
엣지에서의 운영을 단순화하는 플랫폼 업데이트
세계적으로 인정받은 기업용 Linux 플랫폼에 대한 최신 정보
복잡한 애플리케이션에 대한 솔루션 더 보기
오리지널 쇼
엔터프라이즈 기술 분야의 제작자와 리더가 전하는 흥미로운 스토리
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Red Hat은 Linux, 클라우드, 컨테이너, 쿠버네티스 등을 포함한 글로벌 엔터프라이즈 오픈소스 솔루션 공급업체입니다. Red Hat은 코어 데이터센터에서 네트워크 엣지에 이르기까지 다양한 플랫폼과 환경에서 기업의 업무 편의성을 높여 주는 강화된 기능의 솔루션을 제공합니다.