피드 구독

In a world that’s increasingly powered by technology, software freedom matters. That’s the message that GNOME Foundation executive director Karen Sandler shared at OSCON 2011. Several years ago, while serving as general counsel for the Software Freedom Law Center, Sandler was diagnosed with a medical condition that would force her to rely on a device powered by proprietary software. As Sandler researched the FDA approval process for proprietary medical devices, she found little to reassure her of the reliability or security of the device that she—like millions of other people worldwide—would soon have implanted in her body.


Today, Sandler is an advocate for open source within the medical device industry. In her role as executive director of the GNOME Foundation, Sandler has been a voice for the “everyday” user. She led the GNOME community to work toward an interface that is accessible to everyone, whether they have physical impairments or simply lack strong technical skills.



I’m excited to announce that on June 13, Sandler will speak at the Red Hat Women’s Leadership Community luncheon as part of the 2013 Red Hat Summit in Boston. This luncheon is dedicated to women in IT and is free to all women in the Boston area. Space is limited, so if you’d like to attend, please pre-register by sending an email to ITWomen-Lunch@redhat.com.
I hope to see you there!

  • WHAT: Red Hat Women’s Leadership Community Luncheon
  • WHEN: Thursday, June 13, 2013, 11:50 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. ET
  • WHERE: Sheraton Republic Ballroom, Red Hat Summit, Boston, MA
  • REGISTER: Email ITWomen-Lunch@redhat.com


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