블로그 구독

As Fedora contributors, one of the most exciting parts of the development process of new Fedora distributions is determining which cool, new features are included in the next release. Fedora 9 (Sulphur) is due out at the end of April 2008, and we started making plans for it as soon as we released Fedora 8 back in November. We’ve been implementing the changes we want included in this release, and with the Fedora 9 Alpha release today, it’s time for the whole community’s input. Obtain your Alpha live spin here.

During each Fedora cycle, there is an Alpha release, a Beta release and a series of weekly snapshot releases. The Alpha release gives everyone the opportunity to provide feedback on the work that has been done so far as the first step in the testing cycle. It’s the first time that the larger Fedora community can get really involved in testing out the new features and is encouraged to provide input on what’s working, and what’s not. It’s easy to gain access to the Alpha release because you don’t have to install any software - everything you need is provided through live CDs. Then, to give us feedback, you can file bug reports and enhancement requests and make other recommendations.

If you want to help us test and shape the next release of Fedora, you can find details about the new features we’re exploring, about how to get involved in the Alpha release and about how to provide feedback and get involved in Fedora by visiting our Fedora 9 Alpha release notes.

저자 소개

채널별 검색

automation icon


기술, 팀, 환경을 포괄하는 자동화 플랫폼에 대한 최신 정보

AI icon


고객이 어디서나 AI 워크로드를 실행할 수 있도록 지원하는 플랫폼 업데이트

cloud services icon

클라우드 서비스

관리형 클라우드 서비스 포트폴리오에 대해 더 보기

security icon


환경과 기술 전반에 걸쳐 리스크를 감소하는 방법에 대한 최신 정보

edge icon

엣지 컴퓨팅

엣지에서의 운영을 단순화하는 플랫폼 업데이트

Infrastructure icon


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application development icon


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Original series icon

오리지널 쇼

엔터프라이즈 기술 분야의 제작자와 리더가 전하는 흥미로운 스토리