피드 구독

We’re shifting again! The OpenShift Commons Gathering/Amsterdam will be rescheduled to align with the soon-to-be announced new dates for CNCF/Kubecon/EU 

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe (originally set for March 30 to April 2, 2020) has been postponed to instead be held in July or August 2020. The CNCF is finalizing the date and will announce it shortly.  We expect that by mid-summer, there will be more clarity on the effectiveness of control measures to enable safe travel to industry events.

We are looking forward to still delivering all of our sessions and workshops, including the OpenShift 4.Kubernetes Release Updates and Road Map with Clayton Coleman, and all of our engineering project leads will still be delivering their “State of” Deep Dive talks. We’re working with our case study speakers and other guest speakers to ensure they can adjust their schedules (and vacation plans) to share their talks as well.

We will provide updates on the OpenShift Commons Gathering here.  We will re-open registration once the dust settles and dates are confirmed. If you’ve purchased a ticket to the March 30 Gathering and any of the associated workshops, you will receive a full refund.

The full agenda will still be here.

Stay Tuned and Connected for More Information

Thank you for your enthusiasm for and participation in the OpenShift Commons community. We couldn’t do this without the ongoing support of our members, sponsors, speakers and staff.

Join OpenShift Commons and get on the mailing lists and slack channels to stay in touch and up to date.


Please Note:  CNCF is regularly updating their site with latest Novel Coronavirus Updates here: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/attend/novel-coronavirus-update/

저자 소개


채널별 검색

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