블로그 구독

Gluster logo On May 12 and 13th, the Gluster contributor community came together to discuss the state of Gluster and the plans for the future in sunny Barcelona, Spain. We had 32 active contributors present and 21 presentations. We discussed a wide range of material, mostly focused around the next major release of Gluster, 4.0, but also had discussions on improving testing, maintenance, community growth, documentation, and the website.

Attendees were also treated to fine local sights and food, courtesy of our sponsors: Red Hat, Facebook, Datalab.es, and Barcelona iCapital. We even had a special introduction from Eduard Martin, the Innovation Director from the Societat del Coneixement i Arquitectures TIC in Institut Municipal d'Informatica, Barcelona.

One of the main goals of the Summit was to bring the community together, face to face, to build momentum and excitement about the technology and its roadmap. Also important was for the community itself to feel energized and connected to each other.

The most common comment at the end of the Summit was people wanting to know when we would be doing another one.


Facebook presented on their use of Gluster, and some new open source work to access NFS and Gluster instances using common CLI commands without mounting the storage directly.

There were several presentations discussing improvements to glusterd, with general agreement that refactoring for 4.0 was a good plan

There was also much discussion on the topic of what the future of distribution looked like for Gluster.

Slides are being collected from the presenters, and will be archived on the Gluster website. Ten of the talks were recorded, and have been uploaded to YouTube:

For more information about the Gluster Summit (including the full list of presentations), see the full agenda on the Gluster Community site.

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