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Looking at the stories that have been written about Red Hat Enterprise MRG since our announcement on Tuesday, we think that it is worth pointing out a few additional distinctions about the offering. Some writeups have focused on MRG as a replacement for other vendor’s messaging products, such as Tibco and IBM WebSphereMQ. At Red Hat, we believe in freedom and choice and intend to continue to tune and support other messaging products and our partners’ messaging platforms–even if MRG overlaps in some use cases. To this end, MRG realtime has been developed with customers running many other vendors’ products (including all of the key messaging providers). The better we can make all of a customers’ products perform, the more our customers win–and we win too.

Some of the biggest workloads that we have tuned, and with which we have developed realtime, have been other messaging systems. If these other systems meet a customer’s needs, we believe that MRG can provide differentiation for the systems’ deployments, which are latency/determinism-sensitive or require broader interoperability.

For MRG, we are working to provide the maximum throughput, CPU and latency possible for any given hardware. When deploying MRG, what really excites us is the possibility to have an open ecosystem and provide value to our customers. MRG was created not with the goal of displacing any point product, but to provide value through the integration of a compute platform that adds the next layer to Linux Automation.

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