피드 구독

One of the most common questions we get asked is for more details about Windows containers. While Linux has overtaken Windows as the leading OS in the cloud, there are still many companies that have a large number of Windows applications that run important parts of their business. As they look to modernize applications, automate applications, or bring greater agility to all aspects of IT, it's becoming more important to be able to consistently operator both Linux and Windows applications under a common application platform. This week we sat down with Mike Kostersitz, (@huskyat, Principal Program Manager (@huskyat) in Core Networking for Microsoft) to talk about his work with OpenShift and Windows containers. 

The show will always be available on this blog (search: #PodCTL), as well as RSS FeedsiTunesGoogle PlayStitcherTuneIn and all your favorite podcast players.

저자 소개

Brian Gracely (@bgracely) is Sr. Director, Portfolio Strategy at Red Hat. He has previously held leadership, product management, engineering, marketing and M&A roles at Cisco, EMC, NetApp, Virtustream, Solo. He is an industry-recognized leader in cloud computing, and hosts the industry's #1 cloud computing and AI podcast, The Cloudcast.

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