피드 구독


Red Hat Summit 2015 will take place June 23 – 26 in Boston, and we've got an impressive line-up of customers planning to take the stage to talk about one of the hottest topics in technology: cloud platform management.


This year, some of the world's largest companies will share their experiences in working with Red Hat's various management platforms, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform, Red Hat CloudForms, and Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure. Our customers will provide Red Hat Summit attendees with valuable insight into how they were able to use these solutions to make their organizations more agile, flexible, and ready for the future through our Infrastructure-as-a-Service solutions.


Red Hat Summit will feature panel discussions including scheduled guest speakers from the following organizations:



Cox Automotive






The following is a sampling of some of the discussions scheduled to take place. For more information, take a look at the full agenda. And if you haven't already signed-up to attend Red Hat Summit 2015, you can do so by visiting the registration page here.


Out with the Old: How Red Hat CloudForms Improves Management & Orchestration While Using Legacy Automation Systems: Representatives from Intuit discuss how Red Hat CloudForms made their legacy systems irrelevant.


Managing Your Cloud Environment: Customer Insights: Red Hat customers will share their cloud strategies and why they chose Red Hat to support their cloud deployments.


Building OpenShift & OpenStack Platforms with Red Hat: A discussion with representatives from Produban, a global technology company, on how and why they deployed Red Hat's Platform-as-a-Service and Infrastructure-as-a-Service solutions.


We look forward to seeing you in Boston!

저자 소개


채널별 검색

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