피드 구독

It’s hard to overestimate the importance of software in the modern economy. As the world gets more connected and the price-to-performance of hardware continues to improve, investments are being shifted from reducing cost to generating new value. That value is often predominantly software-driven and as this new model takes hold, more and more companies will be, fundamentally, software companies.

Because of this transformation, the demand is rising for highly skilled software developers as well as platforms, tools, and programs that can help increase the quality and rate at which software is created. The result is more demand on you, the professional developer and at Red Hat we see a tremendous opportunity to further evolve our products and help you meet those demands.

Developers are important to Red Hat in many ways. You are end-consumers of our products. You are the key contributors to our open source projects. You help drive adoption through community evangelism and you provide a rich ecosystem of certified solutions that creates mutual value for Red Hat and our partners. Shortly after I joined Red Hat in September 2014, we formed a group to focus on the challenges that developers face in the many roles you play. Our goal is to deliver programs and tools that help you become more successful while we serve as a trusted partner delivering value across those dimensions.

We have been looking at ways to make our products and programs more powerful and easier to use for developers. There is an opportunity to bring together the pieces of a well-defined, open source development and delivery pipeline that is easy to use and accessible for developers. This includes not only new features and products that help make concepts like continuous delivery, deployment and integration easier, but also new programs that help developers be more productive in their day-to-day work and successful in their careers.

Today we are taking one of our first steps toward meeting those goals and are launching a new site called Red Hat Developers (developers.redhat.com). The site is designed to provide easy access to tools and materials for professional developers who are focused on building solutions for the enterprise. One of the main benefits is a simplified user registration that allows you to have one login and gain access to a range of Red Hat developer products including OpenShift Online.

The site is just one component of a comprehensive developer program that we are working toward over the next 12 months. It’s a small, but important step for Red Hat because it’s the first time we are providing a program specifically targeted at professional developers and presenting our full portfolio of products in one place, in a way that demonstrates how to solve everyday challenges you are facing.

It’s also an opportunity for you to gain access to our supported products and get involved with our upstream open source communities from one place. By connecting enterprise developers to our upstream communities, we want to help grow and support open source innovation for all developers.

Most recently we expanded our investment and role in the Eclipse Community as a Strategic Developer member. We actively participate in more than two dozen Eclipse projects, and the flagship Eclipse IDE serves as the basis for the JBoss Tools community project, one of the most popular downloads from the Eclipse marketplace, and the Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and Red Hat Developer Toolset products. Red Hat is also a lead contributor across a number of other open source projects such as Docker, Kubernetes and Vert.x. By investing in these projects, Red Hat is helping to provide a complete open source developer platform for the enterprise.

Another concept that we think is important is helping to grow the skills and capabilities of the professional developers who use Red Hat products. As the program evolves, we plan to focus on features that can help you become more productive and successful. Our hope is that the program will be a valuable tool in helping professional, open source developers advance in their careers and help bridge developer agility with production stability.

Registration is free and available to all developers at – developers.redhat.com
Learn more at - developers.redhat.com

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