피드 구독

Eighty-seven percent (87%) of the managers and executives surveyed by MIT Sloan Management Review & Deloitte anticipate that digital technologies will disrupt their industries. However, only 44% believed their organization was taking adequate measures to prepare for disruptions. It’s no surprise that some organizations are extending focus beyond the software and applications themselves to the processes, teams, and skills that underlie software delivery. It is against this backdrop that Red Hat created Open Innovation Labs. We wanted to build a place where customers could break out of their day-to-day routine, experience what is possible, and collaborate with Red Hat to help power and catalyze their organization’s journey to digital transformation.

In my session during All Day DevOps called “The Open Innovation Labs DevOps Experience,” I’ll explain how Red Hat Open Innovation Labs helps teams more rapidly prototype new products and create change in their organization. I’ll share lessons learned on our journey, including the decisions, challenges, and innovations that helped us build a DevOps culture since the founding of Labs. And specifically, I’ll highlight the behaviors and processes we changed, as well as the tools like Red Hat Ansible and Red Hat OpenShift that helped us automate and collaborate along the way.

Join us on October 24 at 12:45 ET to listen in and see how you can get involved.

For more information on Red Hat Open Innovation Labs, visit red.ht/labs.

저자 소개


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