피드 구독

Ripping out your infrastructure isn't the answer to programming innovation. A more practical solution is to update your IT foundation with container-compatible platforms.

Red Hat® Shares, Red Hat's monthly corporate newsletter, features our take on technology trends, open source software, and recent industry news to help you navigate the complex world of IT.

In this issue: Containers

  • Is your IT foundation blocking your container potential?
  • FEATURED "Open source is the driving force behind... Linux containers"
  • Survey says: What developers are saying about containers
  • Customer spotlight: Amadeus adds private cloud-based application platform
  • More to learn: 6 misconceptions about containers | Devs love containers—and ops should, too | A brief introduction to Linux containers and image signing
  • Recommended | Red Hat news and more | Related events

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From the editor

Is your IT foundation blocking your container potential?

Big innovations like cars, radios—even vacuum cleaners—happened in the early 20th century. Why? The assembly line. It's an infrastructure that supported (even spurred) entrepreneurs' inventions. Without it, these creations might have been stifled.

Similarly, in programming today, innovations made possible by lightweight Linux® containers are curbed by legacy infrastructure. The pace at which IT innovates is capped by the limits of old servers, virtualization environments, and operating systems. But ripping out your infrastructure isn't the answer. A more practical solution is to update your IT foundation with container-compatible platforms that work across the systems you have and the environments you want to adopt.

You need flexibility and agility, 2 fundamental traits of open source.

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Featured story

"Open source is the driving force behind... Linux containers"

Many of the applications running our world are built on open source. Small startups are adopting containers for their agility, while global tech companies see containers as a powerful DevOps alternative. As container adoption spreads to more businesses, the importance of an open source foundation will only grow.

Learn more about the role of open source in containers and what to look for in a vendor from Paul Cormier, president of Products and Technologies at Red Hat.

Read the blog post

Survey says

What developers are saying about containers

  • 52% are using containers in production for new apps.
  • 89% of developers surveyed are likely to increase use of containers in the next 12 months.
  • 1/3 said release cycles are much faster with containers.
  • 74% are shipping new software faster using container technology.
Source: While Containers Move to the Mainstream, Some Roadblocks Exist on Path to Adoption

Download the infographic

Customer spotlight

Amadeus adds private cloud-based application platform

Amadeus, a leading travel booking provider, created a better foundation for a new app infrastructure and containers. Amadeus expects to decrease system latency for better customer service, increase platform availability, streamline operations through automation, and reduce time to market for new services.

Read the case study

More to learn

6 misconceptions about containers

With container hype comes misunderstanding. Get a pragmatic look at the benefits and obstacles of containers.

Watch the webinar

Devs love containers—and ops should, too

Docker containers have dramatically improved the efficiency of software development. Now pioneering operations teams are seeing the benefits.

Read the article

A brief introduction to Linux containers and image signing

What's most confusing about image-based Linux containers? Breaking an operating system into 2 parts: the kernel and the user space.

Read the article

New offerings and releases

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The Red Hat Shares team comprises content strategists who work with lots of smart subject matter experts. Together, we curate content on emerging tech topics your enterprise needs to learn about to stay competitive.

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