피드 구독

Which tech stories made our 2017 best-of list?

Red Hat® Shares is a small collection of insightful stories each month about big IT challenges.

In this issue

This year in open source

  • What IT information do you crave?
  • Most popular Red Hat Shares stories from 2017
  • Red Hat 2017 Open Source Culture Survey
  • More to explore
  • New Red Hat offerings and releases

Did you miss November's newsletter about agile integration? Check it out

From the editor

'Tis the season to reflect on the past year: achievements, challenges...the Red Hat®

Shares stories our readers liked most. Check out the list of popular material worth another read in this issue.

For us, it's also time to consider future goals―like making sure we cover more of the IT topics you care about. Tell us your top picks using the link below.

Thanks for being a subscriber. Here's to a new year of digital discovery and technology triumphs.

What IT information do you crave?

This newsletter is for you. So tell us: Which tech topics do you want to read about in Red Hat Shares?*

Make your voice heard

*On the sign-up form, add your choices in the bottom field. You can update your preferences any time.

Most popular Red Hat Shares stories from 2017

Red Hat 2017 Open Source Culture Survey

We asked our customers how their organizations are changing to meet digital technology advancements.

Source: "Red Hat 2017 Open Source Culture Survey." Red Hat. November 2017.

More to explore

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저자 소개

The Red Hat Shares team comprises content strategists who work with lots of smart subject matter experts. Together, we curate content on emerging tech topics your enterprise needs to learn about to stay competitive.

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채널별 검색

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