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Strata+Hadoop World 2015 is underway in San Jose, CA and Red Hat Storage is on the scene. Today, Brian Chang chats with Greg Kleiman, director of storage and big data at Red Hat, to learn what news Greg is expecting to hear at the show and also what Red Hat is up to. Watch the video or read on for a summary.

Brian: What do you expect to hear from the show this week?

Greg: We’ll hear more about analytics. What we hear from customers is, how can they get more value out of the data they have? That’s analytics. So we’ll see more analytics vendors making announcements.

Brian: What's new with Red Hat and big data?

Greg: A bunch of new things. Yesterday we shipped Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 6 and that includes Sahara, the infrastructure that automates the deployment of Hadoop on top of OpenStack. That is now generally available and customers can start developing Hadoop jobs, and roll those out across a scale-out infrastructure.

We just issued a blog with Continuum with Python analytics. That allows you to run Pyspark, which is Python on top of Spark, and use Continuum’s Anaconda product which allows you to scale it out, and Red Hat Storage is the scale-out file system underneath that.

Third thing is the continuation of our big data story. We have updates with partners like Cloudera, where we have a JBoss database visualization plugin for Impala that allows customers to get more value out of their data, combine it with other data sets, and then run the analytics.

And we’re moving forward with partners Hortonworks and Splunk to continue what we’ve got there.

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