POSIX or "Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX" is a set of standards specified by the IEEE and ISO that defines the interface between programs and operating systems. It defines the application programming interface (API), along with command line shells and utility interfaces, for software compatibility with variants of Unix and other operating systems. By designing programs to conform to POSIX compatibility, developers have some assurance that their software can be easily ported to POSIX-compliant operation systems. It has been around since the 90's.
So what does a 20 years old established concept like POSIX compatibility have to do in the future emerging technology age of Big Data?
Tune into the Storage Hangout to find out as Brian Chang and Irshad Raihan, Red Hat Big Data discuss this and more.
Also, be sure to catch Irshad on the upcoming Bright Talk Webinar: The New Shape of Software Defined Storage on Thursday, 11/13 at 1:00pm EST.
Register for free here: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/9775/129643
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