What happens when two brain cancer patients decide to take their futures into their own hands?

From the film

Steven Keating

Steven Keating


Steven Keating, Ph.D., passed away July 19, 2019, at the age of 31. He was an engineer and an unflagging champion of greater transparency in healthcare. After learning that he had a brain tumor, Steven applied his passions for data and transparency to his treatment. He pushed for more sharing between doctors and patients, posted his own brain scans for others to investigate, and raised awareness nationwide of the healing power of openness.

Learn more about Steven Keating

Liz Salmi

Liz Salmi

Healthcare communications professional

Liz Salmi is a healthcare communications professional based in Sacramento, CA who dubs herself "the open source patient." After a powerful seizure, Liz learned that a mass was growing in her brain, and she was diagnosed with Gemistocytic astrocytoma. She created her blog The Liz Army to share her experiences with brain cancer with the world, to support those going through similar experiences, and to advocate opening up health data.

Join the Liz Army



National initiative

OpenNotes is a national initiative to give patients access to the visit notes written by their doctors and nurses. Since 2010, it has grown from 100 doctors to thousands, and from 20,000 patients to 10 million.

Find participating hospitals and doctors

Open Source Stories Common Connections - Healthcare made human
Healthcare Made Human
What happens when the U.S. government backs your big idea? The team at OpenNotes, a group advocating for greater transparency in healthcare, is finding out.
Watch their conversation

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Opening the Loop: Autonomy, Access, and Insulin

Watch the film

Opening the Loop: Autonomy, Access, and Insulin

When diabetics and caregivers needed a better way to manage the illness, they created one―with open source. This is their story.

Watch the film

Penn Manor 고교의 혁신

Penn Manor 고등학교는 IT 디렉터, 교사, 관리자 및 학생들과 함께 오픈 교육 모델과 일대일 노트북 프로그램을 진행했습니다.

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글로벌 커뮤니티에서 자발적 참여자들이 3D 프린팅을 위한 인공 보철물을 무료로 설계, 제작 및 배포하는 스토리를 살펴 보세요.

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