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Container technology is radically altering the IT infrastructure and application development landscape, but the biggest disruption has yet to emerge. When it does, it will cause an epic “oh wow!” moment for the entire supply chain.

We are referring, of course, to what container and container service technologies are beginning to do the traditional economic and financial establishment in this market. The big disruption for the infrastructure industry, and the real change that OpenShift enables, is delivering on the ultimate promise of cloud-- shifting the economic power from the supplier to the buyer of IT infrastructure.

Moreover, in an IT reality where demand velocity is increasing exponentially, procurement is stuck in the 1990’s and the cloud providers of today provide obfuscation defined by opaque instances and esoteric billing models, what is a modern buyer of IT to do?

Enter 6fusion and OpenShift:

Red Hat OpenShift reduces a significant challenge in taking the next great leap forward. This technology makes portability a reality. With OpenShift powered applications, users are finally free. They get to spread their wings; to run applications on a variety of providers, in different geographies, at any time, and to take advantage of the differences they provide. The idea of following the sun, bursting, or real time geographic load balancing is quite real.

6fusion has arrived at this party and spiked the container platform punch bowl.

We have evolved the concept of  “use what you need when you need” to the next generation of “pay only for what you use.” 6fusion has been in the business of utility enabling infrastructure for a long time. We are focused squarely on transferring power, through information, to infrastructure purchasers so they can make better decisions about:

  • How much to buy or provision, from whom, for what price, and when?;
  • And how to map those expenses to value or revenue.


Our technology enables buyers of IT Infrastructure services-- and in this brave new world, that means application developers -- to understand what resources they are using, and what those resources cost, in real time.

By creating an impartial (and vendor and technology agnostic) standard unit of measurement, we enable those buyer-developers, to understand how much they purchased, how much they used, and what it would cost if purchased from someone else, and the impacts of their cost optimizations. By tracking use of their applications, we can even enable those business leaders to better understand what applications cost. 6fusion is the ultimate decision support tool for developers and application owners to demonstrate the accountability that management demands and needs in a microservices world.

Historically, with virtualization and traditional cloud, moving applications around was time consuming and expensive. Companies acquired hardware every three years, and changing cloud providers was a hassle.

But in the world of microservices and containers, these decisions can be made in real time. Imagine your DevOps platforms being finance enabled -- knowing which execution venues offered the lowest cost per unit immediately at provisioning time; taking advantage of excess vendor inventory to run batch jobs at low costs, optimize spend by balancing applications across vendors at true market pricing; or knowing exactly what resources you need so that you can provision “just right” minimizing waste and delivering extra value to your organization.

Better still, imagine a world where buyer-developers could establish seamless management transparency so they could focus on the job of keeping up with growing demands, rather than another brain-banging process and policy meeting with management.

Think this is the future? Think again.  

6fusion is working with Red Hat today to utility enable OpenShift, providing the underlying utility consumption data necessary to enable better decision making and smarter application developers and Devops teams.

Come by our booth at Summit, or visit to sign up for our beta program and get early access to our metering system for OpenShift when it becomes available later this summer and ride the first wave of the next generation.

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