The next OpenStack Summit will take place in Sydney, Australia, November 6-8. And despite the fact that the conference will only run three days instead of the usual four, there will be plenty of opportunities to learn about OpenStack from Red Hat’s thought leaders.
Red Hatters will be presenting or co-presenting at more than 40 breakout sessions, sponsored track sessions, lightning talks, demos, and panel discussions. Just about every OpenStack topic, from various services to NFV solutions to day-2 management to containers integration will be covered.
In addition, as a premier sponsor, we’ll have a large presence in the OpenStack Marketplace. Visit us at booth B1 where you can learn about our products and services, speak to RDO and other community leaders about upstream projects, watch Red Hat product demos from experts, and score some pretty cool swag. There will also be many Red Hat partners with booths throughout the exhibit hall, so you can speak with them about their OpenStack solutions with Red Hat.
Below is a schedule of sessions Red Hatters will be presenting at. Click on each title link to find more information about that session or to add it to your Summit schedule. We’ll add our sponsored track sessions (seven more) in the near future.
If you haven’t registered for OpenStack Summit yet, feel free to use our discount for 10% off of your registration price. Just use the code: REDHAT10.
Hope to see you there!
Monday, November 6
Title | Presenters | Time |
Upstream bug triage: the hidden gem? | Sylvain Bauza and Stephen Finucane | 11:35-12:15 |
The road to virtualization: highlighting the unique challenges faces by telcos | Anita Tragler, Andrew Harris, and Greg Smith (Juniper Networks) | 11:35-12:15 |
Will the real public clouds, please SDK up. OpenStack in the native prog lang of your choice. | Monty Taylor, David Flanders (University of Melbourne), and Tobias Rydberg (City Network Hosting AB) | 11:35-12:15 |
OpenStack: zero to hero | Keith Tenzer | 1:30-1:40 |
Panel: experiences scaling file storage with CephFS and OpenStack | Gergory Farnum, Sage Weil, Patrick Donnelly, and Arne Wiebalck (CERN) | 1:30-2:10 |
Keeping it real (time) | Stephen Finucane and Sylvain Bauza | 2:15-2:25 |
Multicloud requirements and implementations: from users, developers, service providers | Mark McLoughlin, Jay Pipes (Mirantis), Kurt Garloff (T-Systems International GmbH), Anni Lai (Huawei), and Tim Bell (CERN) | 2:20-3:00 |
How Zanata powers upstream collaboration with OpenStack internationalization | Alex Eng, Patrick Huang, and Ian Y. Choi (Fuse) | 2:20-3:00 |
CephFS: now fully awesome (what is the impact of CephFS on the OpenStack cloud | Andrew Hatfield, Ramana Raja, and Victoria Martinez de la Cruz | 2:30-2:40 |
Putting OpenStack on Kubernetes: what tools can we use? | Flavio Percoco | 4:20-5:00 |
Achieving zen-like bliss with Glance | Erno Kuvaja, Brian Rosmaita (Verizon), and Abhishek Kekane (NTT Data) | 5:10-5:50 |
Migrating your job from Jenkins Job Builder to Ansible Playbooks, a Zuulv3 story | Paul Belanger | 5:10-5:50 |
Warp-speed Open vSwitch: turbo-charge VNFs to 100Gbps in next-gen SDN/NFV datacenter | Anita Tragler, Ash Bhalgat, and Mark Iskra (Nokia) | 5:50-6:00 |
Tuesday, November 7
Title | Presenters | Time |
ETSI NFV specs' requirements vs. OpenStack reality | Frank Zdarsky and Gergely Csatari (Nokia) | 9:00-9:40 |
Monitoring performance of your OpenStack environment | Matthias Runge | 9:30-9:40 |
OpenStack compliance speed and agility: yes, it's possible | Keith Basil and Shawn Wells | 9:50-10:30 |
Operational management: how is it really done, and what should OpenStack do about it | Anandeep Pannu | 10:20-10:30 |
Creating NFV-ready containers with kuryr-kubernetes | Antoni Segura Puimedon and Kirill Zaitsev (Samsung) | 10:50-11:30 |
Encryption workshop: using encryption to secure your cloud | Ade Lee, Juan Osorio Robles, Kaitlin Farr (Johns Hopkins University), and Dave McCowan (Cisco) | 10:50-12:20 |
Neutron-based networking in Kubernetes using Kuryr - a hands-on lab | Sudhir Kethamakka, Geetika Batra, and Amol Chobe (JP Morgan Chase) | 10:50-12:20 |
A Telco story of OpenStack success | Krzysztof Janiszewski, Darin Sorrentino, and Dimitar Ivanov (TELUS) | 1:50-2:30 |
Turbo-charging OpenStack for NFV workloads | Ajay Simha, Vinay Rao, and Ian Wells (Cisco) | 3:20-3:30 |
Windmill 101: Ansible-based deployments for Zuul / Nodepool | Paul Belanger and Ricardo Carrillo Cruz | 3:20-4:50 |
Simpler encrypted volume management with Tang | Nathaniel McCallum and Ade Lee | 3:50-4:00 |
Deploying multi-container applications with Ansible service broker | Eric Dube and Todd Sanders | 5:00-5:40 |
Wednesday, November 8
Red Hat's Sponsored Breakout Track - Level 3, Room 3.3
Deploying OpenStack at scale with TripleO, Ansible, and Containers | Steven Hardy | Monday, 11:35-12:15 |
Automated NFV deployment and management with TripleO | Arkady Kanevsky (Dell, Inc.), Chris Janiszewski | Tuesday, 9:00-9:40 |
Delivering OpenStack and Ceph in containers | Federico Lucifredi, Sebatien Han, Andrew Hatfield | Tuesday, 9:50-10:30 |
Virtualized Central Office | Azhar Sayeed | Tuesday, 10:50-11:30 |
OpenStack upgrade strategy | Maria Bracho | Tuesday, 11:40-12:20 |
Lessons learned: changing the way we think about customers, with IAG Labs | Eddie Satterly (IAG) | Tuesday, 1:50-2:30 |
SDN fundamentals and best practices for NFV in OpenStack, Kubernetes, and containers | James Kelly (Juniper Networks) | Tuesday, 3:20-4:00 |
Leveraging the public cloud for integration with your hybrid cloud | Mike Bursell | Tuesday, 4:10-4:50 |
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