Happy Sysadmin Appreciation Day: 2022's top articles for sysadmins
System administrators are the backbone of businesses today. From Fortune 500 companies to your favorite local eatery, sysadmins keep all of the systems we count on every day up and running, patched, and deployed.
For the last 23 years, the last Friday in July has been set aside as System Administrator Appreciation Day. This year, that's today—July 29, 2022. While you may be celebrating with cake and comp time (hopefully one or the other; if you are lucky, both), we want to share our thoughts about the amazing people who make up the sysadmin community and some of our favorite content that these stars have created this year.
For the past three years, Enable Sysadmin's community of sysadmin authors has contributed hundreds of articles to the site. More importantly, by writing for Enable Sysadmin, they have chosen to pass their experience and knowledge along to the next generation of sysadmins.
"Train your relief" is a phrase burned into my brain from my time in the Navy, and it really rings true in tech roles as well. There is always a benefit to helping those around you, and if nothing else, it helps to ensure that your ideas and techniques are effective and carry on once you've moved on to a different role.
If sharing your expertise with other sysadmins sounds like something you are interested in, check out our community and we'll help you get started as an Enable Sysadmin writer.
Here are a handful of our favorite articles so far this year. If they inspire a topic for a new article, please let us know by emailing enable-sysadmin@redhat.com.
Tyler Carrigan
Tyler is the Sr. Community Manager at Enable Sysadmin, a submarine veteran, and an all-round tech enthusiast! He was first introduced to Red Hat in 2012 by way of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux-based combat system inside the USS Georgia Missile Control Center. More about me