Better testing methods for Liberation Fonts?

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Thu May 8 18:33:34 UTC 2008

Le mercredi 07 mai 2008 à 14:47 +1000, Caius Carlos Chance a écrit :
> Hi,
> For the quality testing on liberation-fonts in the progress of full 
> source hosting on, I have performed some tests 
> mentioned in this bug:
> As the screenshots attached there, there are some horizontal 
> displacements on certain glyphs. I also manually tested in GIMP on the 
> PSD files which having two versions of font overlapping each other.
> However, it might be excellent if any of you could provide some better 
> ideas on the testing?

IIRC Davide Viti of the Debian font team has a font regression suite. It
would be nice to package it and use it for all our font packages

BTW your testing with OO.o is non-representative as it uses its own font
stack different from the one every other app uses. IIRC right now you
have GTK-style font rendering (pango...), QT-style font rendering (being
merged with the GTK one at f.d.o), and one-of-a-kind OO.o & java font

Since you're going to be responsible for a highly visible font package
it might be a good idea to drop in one of freedesktop's text layout
summits to make contacts and
make some publicity around Liberation.


Nicolas Mailhot
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