Sometimes, the stack a developer knows makes them feel stuck in place. Or maybe a person’s knowledge is limited to just one layer, or one technology. This makes the decision to learn something new an easy one, but choosing what to learn can be a difficult process. Information is everywhere, but it can seem disparate, contradicting, or biased. In this limited run of Compiler, we speak to people within development teams and communities to bring clarity to the tech stack. We explore how it all comes together to make the applications we use, and how pushing beyond one layer can open up exciting possibilities.
Episodes in this series
Episode 31 | 11.10.22 | 38:32 mins | Career, Development
Building A Common Language
Building software is technical, but it’s also human. In the final episode of Stack/Unstuck, we discuss how teams can build bridges across a software stack.
Episode 30 | 10.27.22 | 28:34 mins | Career, Agile Testing, Development
Testing, PDFs, And Donkeys
Testing doesn’t need to be saved for a curtain call. It can have a starring role when identifying problems within a software stack.
Episode 29 | 10.13.22 | 34:01 mins | Career, Development
The Overlooked Operating System
The operating system provides the foundation for the software stack. Many argue there’s little left to do—but work on the OS is far from over.
Episode 28 | 09.29.22 | 29:05 mins | Career, Development
Writing data is easy. But how do you build a database that can quickly find that information when the rest of the stack needs it?
Episode 27 | 09.15.22 | 32:34 mins | Career, Development
Frameworks And Fundamentals
While not a “layer” of a stack, frameworks can help developers build applications faster. But when things go wrong, it also helps to know the basics.
Episode 26 | 09.01.22 | 31:06 mins | Career, Development
The Fractious Front End
There are many misconceptions about the front end, and the memes don’t help. How can front-end developers challenge those attitudes?
Episode 25 | 08.18.22 | 26:07 mins | Career, Development
The Great Stack Debate
The software stack is like an onion. Or a sheet cake. Or lasagna. Or is it? It’s often described as having layers that sit on top of each other. The reality is much more complicated—and learning about it can help any tech career.
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We had some teams excited about Stack/Unstuck reach out to us about their own project: An introduction to the open source software community, through the lens of a video game. Enjoy the experience—or if you like, help them create it. Visit the Open Up official webpage.