Find out how Red Hat is supporting transformation in medicine
See all the latest developments with ChRIS Research Integration Service (ChRIS ), Red Hat’s collaborative project with Boston Children’s Hopsital that intersect the worlds of AI, cloud technology, and open source.
Discover how ChRIS is advancing the field of clinical medicine and medical research in a discussion between Red Hatters and Rudolph Pienaar, staff scientist at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Learn more about how Red Hat OpenShift AI is improving the quality of image analysis and the speed and accuracy of image interpretation in the radiology department at Boston’s Children Hospital.
Watch our two guest speakers from Boston’s Children hospital share from the Red Hat Summit 2024 stage, the impact Red Hat AI and open source solutions are having in the field diagnostic imaging.

The creating ChRIS journey
It all started when a team at Boston Children's Hospital had an idea for how technology could improve patient care. This is a story about vision, determination, and how an open source platform has the potential to transform medicine as we know it.
Chapter 1
The challenge
Radiologists spend hours looking through images every day, which means they have less time to interpret findings and treat patients. This was the reason for creating ChRIS.
Chapter 2
The cloud
Once the team at Boston's Children's Hospital got their idea off the ground, they realized they'd need greater computing power. Enter the Massachusetts Open Cloud.
Chapter 3
The community
ChRIS needs plug-ins so users can access this data with the push of a button. Watch how the open source community is building hundreds of plug-ins and learn how you can get involved.

Designing ChRIS
Máirín "Mo" Duffy is a principal interaction designer at Red Hat. She's always been passionate about UX because of its potential to help people—but it was a sudden life event that inspired her to work on ChRIS.

ChRIS (ChRIS Research Integration System) is an image processing platform that utilizes the software and compute infrastructure of the MOC.
Massachusetts Open Cloud
MOC (Mass Open Cloud) is a public cloud based on the model of an Open Cloud Exchange, and supports ChRIS.

ChRIS and the power of open source
Projects like ChRIS remind us why open source is so important: When code is freely available for all to see, passionate people can contribute their ideas and make a real impact.